All our amazing experiences can be customised.
The Immersive Learning Project has been designed to provide interactive and fun experiences for all ages and group sizes in the heart of the Whitsundays. The experiences can be booked as one day or build a customised multi-day tour to suit all groups. We can customise the itinerary for all travel needs or certain curriculums.

Grade 6-12, Corporate, Social + all other groups
ReefSearch Tour
Immerse yourself into the wonders of what lies beneath!
This full-day interactive educational experience dives deep into marine ecology, unique ecosystems, biodiversity and conservation of our World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef.
Swim alongside our Master Reef Guides and Marine Biologists whilst you discover how to identify species of coral and fish, survey locations and report on one of the 7 natural wonders of the world.
Our Reefsearch Tour is an educational, curriculum-linked customised program, which teaches about the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s Eye on the Reef program and the Coral Watch Health Chart.
Throughout the day’s adventures, you will learn about coral species, marine wildlife, indicator species, water quality, reef health and threats to the Great Barrier Reef.
Become part of the future of the Great Barrier Reef today and contribute to the invaluable role of helping to protect Australia’s most precious asset by becoming a Citizen Scientist.
Customised additions:
Open water Dive Certification – Mackay only
The land & sea
Indigenous Experience:
Become immersed in an awe-inspiring interactive educational experience with one of the oldest nations on earth as you are taken on a journey of man’s interaction with the land and sea. Learn about Indigenous culture, history, heritage and storytelling. For over 60,000 years traditional connections to sea country have been part of indigenous maritime culture and customs (classroom).
The foundations of life:
Let’s piece together the world’s largest puzzle – the Great Barrier Reef. Through interactive educational storytelling begin to understand the astounding world beneath the waves (classroom).
Eco Barge Clean Seas Experience:
See first-hand the effects of pollution on the marine environment with a hands-on guided tour of a Turtle Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre. Here we will discover the cause and effect of our worlds pollution whilst becoming part of the solution (excursion).
Customised additions:
Shipboard safety – 2days min age 16yrs
Open water Dive Certification – Mackay only
safety at sea
All Aboard!
Plan a voyage and sail the waters of the Whitsundays. Develop the teamwork required onboard to successfully manoeuvre the vessel towards your planned destination. Leadership and teamwork are the secret ingredients of a strong crew.
The laws of the sea, navigation, vessel handling, safety equipment, weather conditions and emergency procedures are subjects covered on this voyage of discovery.
Both onboard and in-water safety at sea are vital learning life skills, so once at your planned destination, in-water safety will be taught. From rescuing a scurvy crew member, to what you can and cannot catch and serve your Captain for dinner. This component covers all the hazards you may find in the ocean.
Customised additions:
Boat Licence
Shipboard safety – 2days min age 16yrs
Open water Dive Certification
For over 60,000 years Australia’s indigenous People have flourished by living off their land and sea countries. Travel back in time with our Traditional Owner Elders to ensure your survival on a deserted island. Walk in the Footsteps of the First Nations People on one of the Ngaro Sea Trails whilst uncovering bush tucker, plants to avoid, creatures you can eat and even how to build a shelter. As part of this exercise, you will also look for any marine debris to collect and identify, and later submit to the Australian Marine Debris Initiative.
team building & leadership
Sailing in the Whitsundays is a unique experience. The protection of the islands makes for smooth sailing all year long. Sit back relax and enjoy sailing at its best across to Langford Island and snorkelling sites. Here you will meet the local marine life beneath the surface. The fringing reefs in these locations are home to some of the most spectacular coral formations and an incredible range of marine life in the Great Barrier Reef and Whitsundays. Our accredited ECO guides will provide a history talk about the Islands and marine life. We are accredited Climate Actions Leaders and love to share our knowledge with our customers.
It’s only a short trip to the spectacular Langford Island where the interactive team building activities begin. Snorkel straight off the beach with the resident turtles, hike the scenic bushwalk or relax on the sands of this idyllic location. Relax, play and explore the island for over 2 and enjoy fun activities such as paddle boarding and a banana boat ride.
Once back on board, hoist the sails and help take the helm as you chart your course back to Coral Sea Marina. Sail back with the ocean breeze in your hair.
falls to paradise & wildlife encounter
True Blue Australia in one action-packed day! Tumbling down the mountains, this hidden retreat is Cedar Creek Falls. Dip your feet in and fully immerse yourself into a tranquil waterhole backdropped by an entrancing waterfall. Float around whilst absorbing natures beauty and spot a freshwater turtle. Follow the track and explore the Flora and Fauna with an Indigenous Elder as they tell stories of the Country.
Eruption of the sense’s wildlife encounters! 2 options:
A complete hands-on education experience overload filled with Australia’s native animals. From cuddling a koala, feeding a Cassowary to HOLDING A CROCODILE! All whilst inspiring conservation and protection.
Explore the home of Australia’s famous Saltwater Crocodile! Proserpine River is home to the largest population of Saltwater Crocodiles in the Sothern Hemisphere. Hop aboard and spot these majestic prehistoric creatures in their natural habitat whilst learning all the astonishing jaw-dropping facts about these magnificent reptiles, vegetation, coastline and estuaries.
Shiift Training:
(choice of 2 courses / half-day or 4 courses / full day)
"Growing Grit"
Understanding resilience and building resilient skillsets is the focus of this session. Students will learn about closed and open mindsets, goal setting, and identify support networks around them and the value they bring. Understanding perseverance, tenacity and goal setting can be a game-changer for many who are currently stuck in a cycle of instant gratification. This positive psychology framework incorporates resilience development, stress management and highlights emotional wellbeing.
Thrive (Introverts & Extroverts and creating the environment they need to thrive)
Our signature product 'Thrive' gives students a thorough understanding of the uniqueness and strengths of introversion and extroversion with the goal to understand their own personality type. Understanding both introversion and extroversion empowers students to create the environment their personality needs to thrive in. This fun, interactive session demonstrates the differences in communication style, learning style & socialising strategies. Introverts will gain a clear understanding of their superpowers of thought, ideas and problem-solving and will leave with a strengthened awareness of their importance in the world as well as increased confidence. Students are taught to lean into the strengths of each and create the environment they need for optimal study & emotional wellness. This session incorporates Resilience Development, stress management, and is based upon positive psychology.
Turbo your Time (Time Management for Yr 10-12 for studying and well-being)
Understanding and harnessing time management is a super-skill for students which can set them up for life. Our Time Management session identifies, explores, and unpacks time management hurdles and challenges with students brainstorming solutions and plans for each. The basic psychology of time management is discussed in simple terms and students can self-assess their own strengths and weaknesses. Strategies include chunking & batching tasks, weaknesses of multi-tasking, harnessing energy cycles, procrastination, and identifying and managing distractions. Strengthened time management skills correlates to an increase in focus and emotional well-being
StrengthsXPO - Building Positivity Through Strengths (All Years)
Imagine understanding your unique innate strengths from a young age and leveraging these for years to come! This is the foundation of our StrengthsXPO sessions. Students identify and explore their unique strengths and work through the benefits, the blind spots and how to harness these strengths easily to create greater positive outcomes. Understanding individual strengths builds a sense of self-efficacy as well as the understanding that it is "ok to be different". Resilience, emotional well-being, self-awareness, confidence and understanding/compassion of self and others are the outcomes of this amazing session. We can't rave highly enough about StrengthsXPO and the ongoing benefits of this learning and knowledge for years to come!
Optional extra: Online Assessment Gallup CliftonStrengths ($39 each)
"What's Next" (Year 10-12)
This session prepares the final years for life after school. Our session explores the changing of mindset from ‘top of the pyramid’ (you have the support team) to ‘bottom of the pyramid’ (I am my empower's / my own support team). The concept of 'Big Fish Small Pond; Small Fish Big Pond' gently awakens consciousness and demonstrates how to thrive by increasing awareness and being ready and prepared with the strategies required to continue to move forward. The session includes a simple understanding of basic personality type to increase socialising skills and teamwork capabilities. Worksheets explore 'Where’s My Team: Who’s My Team?' (transition from being supported to supporting your new employer) and identifies key people for the next stage.
​Our JobReady sessions incorporates basic goal-setting, building a resume and breaks down the interview process into easy-to-understand modules. Students get a glimpse inside the head of an employer and explore key interview questions, prepared easy answers, role-play the interview process and leave with resume templates and a completed goal-setting individual plan. This session is suitable for those in Year 10-12 looking towards the workforce rather than tertiary study.
The Immersive Learning Project recommends these three days for an inspiring interactive educational experience:

- ReefSearch Tour
- The land & sea
- safety at sea